Classic Scribbles

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Novel Writing Inspiration

Because I write very detailed outlines, I am not the kind of writer who usually gets stuck in the middle of plots, but am I a slow writer, so signing up for the National Novel Writing Month never occurred to me. I have known several writers who’ve signed up and completed 50,000 words in past years. Writing 1,666 words every day for 30 days straight sounds easy, but I have my doubts.

I was chatting with my friend, Sue, this morning. She has signed up for Nano and encouraged me to try it. Maybe it’s the nudge I need to get me back into the flow of writing daily. Let's face it, I need more than a nudge. A kick in the pants, perhaps.

During the summer, I stopped writing my current novel to edit a completed novel that I had evaluated by an editor and now I need to get back into my unfinished novel.

Will I be inspired to write 50,000 words in 30 days? Well, that's the plan. I have about 125 pages written so far and, of course, another 50,000 words won’t be enough to finish the novel, but I hope it inspires me to keep going.

That seems to be the point of NaNoWriMo. Get writing, keep writing and share your experience with thousands of other writers.